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Dr Elizabeth Carruthers

    Dr Elizabeth Carruthers 

  is a National Leader of Education a researcher and

 writer who has taught for many years in schools and

 early years' settings in the South West of  England,  

 London and in Louisville, Kentucky.

         Elizabeth has worked in higher education as a

 lecturer on Early Years courses. She has also

 worked for Local Education Authorities as an

 advisor for early years and mathematics, including

 working as a Numeracy Consultant for the National  


      She has researched and published widely on children's early mathematics, focusing on pedagogy and Children's Mathematical Graphics, which was the subject of her PhD. She was fortunate to have received funding from the Martin Hughes Memorial Trust for her research into the pedagogy of Children's Mathematical Graphics. Elizabeth was formerly headteacher of the nationally recognised Redcliffe Nursery School and Children's Centre where she also became a director of the Bristol Early years Teaching School. In partnership with Bath Spa University she developed leadership mathematics Masters courses that were 'easy to reach' for local curriculum leaders. Elizabeth is a strong advocate for the empowerment of teachers as experts in their own classrooms.


Research Interests

  • Early mathematics
  • Children's Mathematical Graphics
  • Pedagogy of Children's Mathematical Graphics
  • Early Years education
  • Early Years Leadership
  • Teacher as researchers
  • Children's play
  • Children's emerging graphicacy
  • Leadership 



  • Trustee of the Association for Professional Development in Early Years (TACTYC) 
  • Member of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association(EECERA)
  • Member of the SIG EECERA mathematics group.
  • Member of British Educational Research Association (BERA). 
  • Co-founder (with Maulfry Worthington) of Children's Mathematics Network
  • Member of the Chartered College of Teaching.
  • Member of the National Association of Headteachers 
  • Member of the Association of Mathematics Teachers
  • Member of the World Wildlife Fund
  • Member of the Soil Association 
  • Member of the Scottish Nationalist Party
  • Member of the Devon Wildlife Trust




