KEYNOTE SPEAKER/S: England - Birmingham Early Years Mathematics conference
- Bradford Early Years conference
- Bristol City College EY conference
- Bristol LEA: Nursery Mathematics conference
- Bristol Redcliffe Children's Centre: National Conference, Ramada Inn, Bristol
- Bristol Redcliffe Children's Centre: National conference
- Bromley LEA conference
- Cambridge Learning Network conference
- Devon Academic Councils conference
- Devon Early Years Partnerships conference
- Devon LEA conference
- Devon Nursery conferences
- Devon Sure Start conference
- Dorset Early Years conference, Wareham,
- Dorset Early Years Partnerships conference
- Early Education: Annual conference, Sunderland
- Early Years Mathematics conference, Barcelo Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Early Years PSRN conference, Stoke-on-Trent
- Emergent Mathematics Teachers conferences,
(x 7 annual conferences), University of Exeter - Emergent Mathematics Teachers conference, Plymouth
- Luton LEA conference, Learning Centre, Luton, Bedfordshire
- MaST Conference, Edge Hill University, Omskirk, (x 2)
- National Strategies PSRN, Bristol,
- North Somerset Early Years conference
- Nottingham Early Years Partnerships conference
- Pen Green, Emergent Mathematics Teachers conference, (1998)
- Pen Green Centre for Under Fives and their Families conference
- Plymouth International Year of Mathematics conference
- Plymouth Early Years Partnerships conference
- Poole LEA Early Years conference,
Devon, England - Pre-school Playgroups Association conference
- Pre-school Learning Alliance conference
- Richmond LEA conference
- Sheffield Hallam University mathematics conference
- Sheffield Hallam University: Key Speakers at MaST Conference [x 2] )
- University College of St Mark & St John, Plymouth, Early Years Conference
- Sheffield Hallam University: MaST conference [x 2]
- Redcliffe Children's Centre conference, Bristol, (x 5)
- Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea conference, Isaac Newton Centre
- South Gloucestershire conference
- Swindon LEA conference
- University College of St Mark & St John conference
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Association of Teachers of Mathematics ATM):
- Westminster College, Oxford
- University of Ripon & York
- Liverpool University - BECERA Conference, The Studio, Birmingham (2025)
- BERA Conference, Aston University, Birmingham (2023)
- Bristol Early Years: Engineers’ House, Clifton, Bristol
- British Congress of Mathematics Education (BCME7)
- Bath Spa University, BA Education Studies Degree
- Be a Mathematician (BEAM), London
- British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) day conference, University of Cambridge
- EECERA Conference, Strathclyde University, Glasgow (x 2)
- EECERA conference, University of Birmingham
- EECERA Conference (online due to Covid)
- EECERA Conference, University of Brighton (2024)
- ‘Hundred Languages of Children’ (Reggio): South West
- Mathematics Association conference, University of Cambridge
- Mathematics Association (MA) conference, Robson College, Cambridge University
- Mathematics Association conference, University of Exeter,
- Mirandanet, Institute of Education, London,
- National Association of Child Psychiatrists & Child Psychologists conference
- National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM), International Research conference: Continuing Professional Development in Mathematics (RECME)
- National Primary Centre, Birmingham
- Pre-school Learning Alliance conference
(See also EECERA conference in other countries). Other - All Party Political Group (APPG) on Maths and Numeracy: House of Commons, Westminster (2014)
- BERA: Re-thinking Play SIG presentation (2024)
- Early Childhood Mathematics Group (ATM)
- Early Excellence Centre: Huddersfield
- National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM): International Research conference, Bristol
- BERA/TACTYC Symposia, Winchester & Sheffield
- BERA/TACTYC Research Colloquium: 'Play and Education 3-8: Leeds Metropolitan University
- Williams Review of Mathematics Teaching in Early Years Settings and Primary Schools conference, Royal Society, London
Local Education Authorities,
schools and settings
Conference seminars, key speeches & CPD: - Bath Numeracy Strategy
- Barnsole Primary School, Medway
- Bedfordshire LEA – Early Years Advisory Service
- Birmingham Year of Mathematics
- Bradford
- Brent Action Research Project
- Brent LA
- Bristol City Council: Early Years Conference
- Bristol Numeracy Strategy
- Bristol LEA: Nursery Mathematics Conference
- Bristol Redcliffe Children's Centre: National Conference
- Bristol, Redcliffe Children's Centre: Williams Maths Review days - nursery and reception
- Bristol Redcliffe Children's Centre -Mathematics Conference
- Bristol City College, EY conference
- Bristol, National Strategies conference
- Bristol: Ashton and Bedminster Extended Partnership
- Bristol, College Green Nursery conference
- Bristol, Redcliffe Children's Centre course for Reception and Year 1
- Bristol, Rosemary Nursery
- Bristol, South Street Primary School and Children's Centre
- Bromley LEA conference
- Cambridge Learning Network conference
- Camden Early Years Partnerships conference
- Devon: Academic Councils
- Devon Early Years Partnerships
- Devon LEA conference
- Devon Nursery Conferences
- Devon Sure Start - Schemas conference
- Dorset Early Years Partnerships conference
- Dorset LEA (2004)
- Downsend Epsom Lodge, Leatherhead,
Surrey, (2010) - Eastwood Nursery, Roehampton
- Harrow LEA
- Kaleidoscope Academy Trust, North Somerset (2024)
- Kensington and Chelsea
- Luton LEA
- Maidenhead
- Medway LEA, (2008; 2009; 2010)
- National Strategies Conference, Bristol
- Nottingham Early Years Partnerships
- Nottingham LEA
- Pen Green Centre for Under Fives and their
Families (x 3) - Pen Green Schema conference
LEAs - continued on the right | TACTYC Conference presentations - London - Birmingham, (x 6) - York (2011) - Milton Keynes Universities
presentations, seminars and modules - Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford,
- Art in Early Childhood conference, Roehampton University, London
- Art in Early Childhood Conference, University of Exeter, (2023)
- Bath Spa University, Bath, Somerset
- Bath Spa University, BA Education Studies Degree
- Bath Spa University and Redcliffe Children's Centre: Master's Module in Early Childhood Mathematics
- BEAM, Birmingham University
- Bedfordshire LEA
- Birmingham Year of Mathematics conference, with the Emergent Mathematics Teachers' group
- Bristol: Ashton and Bedminster Extended Partnership conference
- Bristol City LEA Early Years conference
- Bristol College Green Nursery conference
- Bristol LEA, Nursery Mathematics conference
- Bristol Numeracy Strategy conference
- Bristol Redcliffe Children's Centre, National conference
- British Congress of Mathematics Education conference
- British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics conference
- Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC) Birmingham: MA in Education (Early Years): Leading Early Years Maths.
- Institute of Education, University of London, Early Years conference
- Institute of Education, University of London, series of Continuing Professional Development Courses
- Institute of Education, Mirandet
- Maths Association (MA) conference
- Rolle College, Exmouth, Early Years conference
- Poole LEA National Numeracy conference
- University of Plymouth, Faculty of Arts & Education – Early Years Mathematics conference
- University of Plymouth, Early Years conference
- University of Plymouth, Early years Forum
- University of West of England, Bristol
- Warwick University International Early Years Conference, (2005)
- Westminster College, Oxford: Presentation to M.Ed. course students
- Weston College, Weston-Super-Mare (MA Hons degree course): (2010)
Australia - South Australia Numeracy Summit: Early Childhood: (2024)
- South Australia: Yorke peninsula: collaborative project with early childhood educators (2025)
Belgium - European Council of International Schools (ECIS): Early Years Conference, Brussels, Waterloo (2009)
Cyprus - Art in Early Childhood conference, University of Cyprus, Nicosia (2012)
Czech Republic - EECERA conference, Prague, Czech Republic (2007)
Estonia - EECERA Conference, Tallinn University, Tallin (2013)
Greece - EECERA conference, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki (2019)
- EECERA conference, University of Crete (2014)
- European Council of International Schools (ECIS): American School in Athens (2012)
Iceland - EECERA Early Childhood Conference, Iceland University of Education, Reykjavik, Iceland (2006)
India - Madurai Institute of Social Sciences, Tamil Nadu, S. India (2000)
Ireland - EECERA Conference, Dublin City University, Ireland (2016)
- EECERA Conference, St Patrick's College, City University of Dublin, Drumcondra (2005)
- EECERA conference, Dublin (2005)
Italy - EECERA Conference, University of Bologna, (2017)
The Netherlands - European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Utrecht Science Park, Utrecht conference (2022)
- Winterschool conference. Guest lecture: Oosterhoot, (2018)
- Academie voor Ontwikkelingsgericht Onderwijs (OGO Academy) conference, Guest Lecture, Ede, The Netherlands (2011)
- University of Leiden, Guest Lecture (2017)
Northern Ireland - Shankill Road, Sure Start Project, Belfast
Norway - EECERA Conference, Queen Maud’s College of Early Childhood Education, Stavanger, Norway, ()
Portugal - EECERA conference, Cascais nr Lisbon (2023)
- EECERA Conference, Oporto, (2012)
Scotland - Children in Scotland numeracy and mathematics conference, (2014)
- EECERA conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland (2022)
- EECERA conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland (2003)
- Early Years Mathematics Conference (2012) Edinburgh
- Children in Scotland Numeracy and Maths Conference 201?
Spain - EECERA Conference, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain, (2015)
U.S.A. - University of Indiana
- University of Kentucky
- University of Louisville, Kentucky USA
Wales - South Glamorgan Pre-school Playgroups Association, Cardiff, Wales
- PACE: Newport Early Years Conference, Dragon Hotel, Swansea, (2007)
- PACE: Swansea Early Years Conference, Cardiff Wales, (2007)
- Pembrokeshire Foundation Stage – Holiday Inn, Newport, Wales (2007)
- PACE: Newport Early Years Conference (PACE) – Dragon Hotel, Swansea, Wales, (2006)
- PACE: Swansea Early Years Conference (PACE) – Wales, (2006)
- Pre-school Playgroups Association South Glamorgan, Cardiff
Local Education Authorities, schools
and settings
Conference seminars, key speeches & CPD: continued ... - Plymouth International Year of Mathematics
- Plymouth Early Years Partnerships
- Poole LEA Early Years Conference
- Reading LEA: Stepping Stones Training
- Richmond LEA
- Roehampton, Eastwood Nursery
- Severnside training Centre, South Gloucester
- Slough, Baylis Nursery
- South Gloucestershire LA
- South Gloucestershire
- Stepping Stones Training, Bristol,
- Stoke-on-Trent Early Years PSRN Conference (2010)
- Weston-super-Mare (2024)
- Surrey, Leatherhead: Downsend School, Epsom Lodge
- Swindon LEA
- Torbay, Early Years, Torquay, Devon
- Victoria Park Infants' School, Bristol
- Weston College, BA Hons. Degree Course: Weston-super-mare