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Welcome to the international Children's Mathematics Network

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Website visitors from around the world

In addition to visitors from the UK Since January 2024 we have had visitors to our website from the following countries: 


Australia; Austria;

Bangladesh; Belize; Brazil; Bulgaria;

Canada; China; Colombia; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; 


Ecuador; Estonia; Ethiopia;

Finland; France; French Guyana;

Germany; Ghana; Gibraltar; Greece;


India; Indonesia; Ireland; Israel; Italy;

Jamaica, Japan;


Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Malta; Mauritius; Mexico; 

The Netherlands; New Zealand; Nigeria; Norway;

Pakistan; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal;


Romania; Russia;

Saudi Arabia; Singapore; South Africa; South Korea; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sweden; Switzerland; 

Thailand; Turkey; 

Uganda; United Arab Emirates (UAE); United Kingdom; USA;

Venezuela; Vietnam.


Welcome to the international Children's Mathematics Network!

Maulfry and Elizabeth    
