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Welcome to the international Children's Mathematics Network

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About us

Maulfry Worthington and Elizabeth Carruthers  

 - are the originators of Children's Mathematical Graphics, and founders of the international Children’s Mathematics Network, established in 2003. We have taught in the full 3-8-year age range for many years, and have conducted extensive research into key aspects of mathematics in early childhood, with a particular focus on children's developing meaning-making, their understanding of graphical sign-use (semiotics) for communicating  mathematical thinking, and the pedagogy of their early mathematical notations - Children’s Mathematical Graphics.

      The numerous examples we have gathered and our research findings are all new to science. Our research includes children's explorations of mathematics within their pretend play, its relationship to their home cultural knowledge, and young children's graphical beginnings in representing their thinking about calculations.

    The importance of this work has been highlighted in a number of documents, and was featured in the DCSF (2008) Independent Review of Mathematics Teaching in Early Years Settings and Primary schools ('The Williams Review)Subsequently Carruthers and Worthington were commissioned to write Children Thinking Mathematically: PSRN Essential Knowledge for Early Years Practitioners (DCSF, 2009).

     In England their extensive research and publications have resulted in support for our work in a number of governmental and independent reviews and reports.
