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Children's graphical signs, symbols and mathematical representations

Anning, A. (2003). Pathways to the graphicacy club: The crossroads of home and preschool. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 3 (1), 5-31.


Brizuela, B. (2004). Mathematical development in young children: Exploring notations. Teachers College Press.


Cook, D. (2006). Mathematical sense making and role play in the nursery. Early Childhood Development and Care, 121(1), 55-66.


Cook, D. (2001). ‘You can't have a cake unless it's written down’: Semiotic activity and authentic learning in play as a potential tool for analysis, Early Child Development and Care, 168(1), 49-62.


Ewers-Rogers, J., & Cowan, R. (1996). Children as apprentices to number. Early Child Development and Care 125, 15-25.

Gravemeijer, K. (1999). How emergent models may foster the constitution of formal mathematics. Mathematical Thinking and Learning.1 (2), 155-177.


Hughes, M. (1986). Children and number: Difficulties in learning mathematics. Basil Blackwell.


Munn, P. (1997). Writing and number. In I Thompson (ed.). Teaching and learning early number. Open University Press.


Munn, P. (1998). Number symbols and symbolic function in preschoolers. In C. Donlan (ed.). The development of mathematical skills. Psychology Press.


Munn, P. & Schaffer, R. (1993). Literacy and numeracy events in social interactive contexts. International Journal of Early Years Education, 1(3), 61-80. 


Ott, B.  (2020). Learner-generated graphic representations for word problems: an intervention and evaluation study in grade 3. Educational Studies in Mathematics 105(1), 91–113.


Ott, B.  (2017). Children’s drawings for word problems-design of a theory and an analysis tool. CERME 10, Feb 2017, Dublin, Ireland. hal-01950540


Pape, S. J., & Tchoshanov, M. A. (2001) The role of representation in developing mathematical understanding. Theory into Practice, 40(2), 118-125.


Terwel, J., van Oers, B.,van Dijk, I., & van den Eeden, P. (2009). Are representations to be provided or generated in primary mathematics education? Educational Research and Evaluation, 15(1), 25-44. 


Tolchinsky, L. (2003). The cradle of culture and what children know about writing and numbers before being taught. Lawrence Erlbaum.


Tomasello, M. (2003). Constructing a language: A usage-based theory of language acquisition. Harvard University Press.


van Dijk, I. M., van Oers, B., & Terwel, J. (2003a). Providing or designing? Constructing models as a strategy for working with contextual problems in primary maths education. Learning and Instruction, vol. 13, 1, 53-72.


van Dijk, I.M.A.W, van Oers, B., & Terwel, J. (2003b). Strategic Learning in primary Mathematics Education: Effects of an experimental Program in Modelling. Educational Research and Evaluation 9(2), 161-187. 


van Dijk, E. F., van Oers, B., & Terwel, J. (2004) Schematising in early childhood mathematics education: Why, when and how?, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 12(1), 71-83.


van Oers, B. (2000). The appropriation of mathematical symbols: A psychosemiotic approach to mathematical learning. In P. Cobb., E. Yackel., & K. McClain (eds.). Symbolizing and communicating in mathematics classrooms. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


van Oers, B. (1998). Emergent mathematics: the mathematization of young chil­dren's langua­ge. In Gravemeijer, K. (ed), Symboli­zing and modelling in mathe­matics educati­on. Introduc­to­ry texts (pp. 50-57). Utrecht: Freu­dent­hal Instituut.

